Aware about Alcohol at school (travel)

  “I don't drink alcohol for pleasure but to fit in and be drunk” – Anonymous high school student — At Alcoline we have noticed that more and more alcohol is being consumed during school trips by high school students, often because they want to fit in, in this blog we discuss this international problem and how…

Give GAS for Group A Streptococcal infection

Streptocci, what exactly are they? Streptococci are a group of bacteria that can cause many different types of infections, ranging from relatively mild conditions such as sore throat, impetigo and scarlet fever to more serious conditions such as pneumonia and rheumatic fever. However, when the bacteria enter the bloodstream or underlying tissue, it becomes an invasive infection...

helicobacter pylori

Unmask the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria

Introduction: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a small bacterium that can have a major impact on your health. It is estimated that more than half of the world's population carries this bacteria in their stomachs, often without knowing it. If left untreated, a Helicobacter Pylori infection can lead to various digestive problems and even more serious health problems. But fear…


CO2 meters mandatory in schools

It is now clear to everyone that it is important to ventilate well. It is less clear that schools must also have a working CO2 meter in every classroom. This obligation applies to new construction and renovated school buildings and is included in the building decree. There is also good news because with the Customized Regulation for Ventilation in Schools…


INFOPOL 2022 – visit our stand

Infopol opens its doors and Alcoline is there with a number of unique new products. If you are curious about our developments in alcohol testing, drug testing and corona testing, please visit our stand! The introduction of RESYSTEN, a protective coating that keeps treated surfaces free of biological contaminants for a year, is unique. We also let…